

Hilmar, Till. 2023. Deserved. Economic Memories after the Fall of the Iron Curtain, New York: Columbia University Press, find the book at CUP or on Amazon

In this essay for AEON Magazine, I share some key insights from the book:

Reviewed in: CEU Review of Books, European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, Understanding Society, Economic Sociology (MPIfG)

For a list of current talks and presentations, see the website of the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna


Hilmar, Till. 2024. Who deserves economic relief? Examining Twitter/X debates about Covid-19 economic relief for small businesses and the self-employed in Germany, in: Journal of Social Policy, OnlineFirst,

Abramowski, Ruth & Till Hilmar (forthcoming 2025). #moralischverletzt – Berufsethische Ansprüche und die Artikulation kollektiver Ungerechtigkeitserfahrungen von Pflegekräften während der Coronapandemie [#moralischverletzt – Professional ethical demands and the articulation of collective experiences of injustice by nursing staff during the coronavirus pandemic], in: Zeitschrift für Soziologie (Schwerpunktheft Verletzbarkeit und Gesellschaft)

Paolillo, Rocco, Hilmar, Till & Patrick Sachweh (forthcoming 2025). Contingencies of Solidarity: Comparing Twitter discourses in Italy and Germany during the Covid-19 crisis, in; Sociological Reserach Online

Hilmar, Till, Iveta Ķešāne, Nina Margies & Monika Verbalyte. 2024. Introduction to the Special Issue: Deep transformations: Lived experiences and emotions in social change narratives, in: Cultural Sociology, OnlineFirst,

Ulinskaitė, Jogilė, Hilmar, Till & Monika Verbalyte. 2024. Emotions in a time of radical change: Untangling narratives of pride and achievements in post-1989/91 Lithuania and East Germany, in: Cultural Sociology, OnlineFirst,

Hilmar, Till. 2023. Restoring economic pride? How right-wing populists moralize economic change, in: Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31(2), 291-305,

Hilmar, Till. 2022. Fragile bonds of recognition: Exploring the social underpinnings of sentiments of exclusion in post-1989 East Germany, in: European Journal of Sociology, 63(2), 247-278

Hilmar, Till & Patrick Sachweh. 2022. „Poison to the economy.“ (Un-)taxing the wealthy in the German federal parliament from 1996 to 2016 in: Social Justice Research, 35(4), 462-489,

Hilmar, Till. 2021. Culture in Network Breaks. Tie Dissolution as a Vehicle of Justice, Poetics, 87, [101528],

Hilmar, Till. 2021. Sich treu geblieben? Symbolische Grenzziehungen in inner-ostdeutschen Sozialgefügen vor dem Hintergrund des Nachwendeschocks, in: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 50(2), 131-152,

Hilmar, Till. 2021. “Economic memories” of the aftermath of the 1989 revolutions in East Germany and the Czech Republic, East European Politics and Societies, 35(1), 89-112,

Hilmar, Till. 2019. The Temporal Logic of Deservingness. Inequality Beliefs in Two Post-Socialist Societies, Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 5, 1-16,
-> A presentation of this paper can be found on Youtube

Hilmar, Till. 2016. Narrating Unity at the European Union’s new History Museum: A Cultural Process Approach to the Study of Collective Memory, European Journal of Sociology, 57(2), 297–329.

Hilmar, Till. 2016. Storyboards of Remembrance. Representations of the Past in Visitors’ Photography at Auschwitz, Memory Studies, 9 (4), 455–470.


Hilmar, Till. 2023. Deserved. Economic Memories after the Fall of the Iron Curtain (New York: Columbia University Press)

Haag, Hanna & Till Hilmar (eds.) (2024). Erinnerung des Umbruchs, Umbruch der Erinnerung. Die Nachwendezeit im deutschen und ostmitteleuropäischen Gedächtnis (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag),

Hilmar, Till. 2014. Storyboards der Erinnerung. Eine empirische Fallstudie zu Geschichtsbildern und ästhetischer Wahrnehmung beim Besuch der Gedenkstätte Auschwitz-Birkenau (Vienna: New Academic Press).

Hilmar, Till. 2010 (ed.). Ort, Subjekt, Verbrechen. Koordinaten historisch-politischer Bildungsarbeit zum Nationalsozialismus, (Vienna: Czernin – Verein GEDENKDIENST).


Hilmar, Till, Rocco Paolillo & Patrick Sachweh (forthcoming 2024). Contagious economic failure? Discourses around “zombie firms” in Covid-19 ridden Germany and Italy, in: Michael Fuchs, Sina Fazin & Fabian Hempel (eds.), Coming to Terms with a Crisis: Cultural Engagements with Covid-19 (Bielefeld: Transcript) – socArXiv preprint

Hilmar, Till. 2024. The ‘Turncoat’ as a Social Form. Tracing Everyday Grammars of Justice post-1989, in: Jill Massino & Markus Wien (eds.), History Doesn’t Travel in One Direction: Everyday Life and ‘Real-Existing’ Post-Socialism (West Lafayette: Purdue Univ. Press), open access:

Hilmar, Till. 2024. Technik und Moral statt Politik: Ostdeutsche und tschechische Ingenieur:innen erinnern die Nachwendezeit, in: Hanna Haag & Till Hilmar (eds.), Erinnerung des Umbruchs, Umbruch der Erinnerung. Die Nachwendezeit im deutschen und ostmitteleuropäischen Gedächtnis (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag),

Hilmar, Till. 2023. Economic Change, Skills, and Shifting Horizons of Social Recognition: East German and Czech Care Workers Remember the Disruptive 1990s, in: Veronika Pehe & Joanna Wawrzyniak (eds.), Remembering the Neoliberal Turn. Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe after 1989 (New York: Routledge), 115-131,

Hilmar, Till. 2022. Class, in: Jenny Wüstenberg & Yifat Gutman (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Memory Activism (New York: Routledge), 180–184,

Hilmar, Till. 2021. Einleitung, in: Verein GEDENKDIENST (ed): Orientierungen, Irritationen. Studienfahren an Erinnerungsorte der NS-Verbrechen (Vienna: LIT), 3-12.

Sachweh, Patrick and Hilmar, Till. 2020. Moral Economy. Moral Forces in Economic Activity, in: Zafirovski, Milan (ed.). A Modern Guide to Economic Sociology (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar), 166-185.

Hilmar, Till. 2020. Links to the Past, Bridges for the Present? Recognition Among Memory Organizations in a European Network, in: Jenny Wüstenberg & Aline Sierp (eds.): Agency in European Memory (Oxford/New York: Berghahn), 241–260,

Hilmar, Till. 2019. Bringing the East back in? Relational Historiography at the House of European History in Brussels, in: Wakounig, Marija; Kühnel, Ferdinand (eds.), Approaching East-Central Europe over the Centuries, Europa Orientalis/19 (Vienna: LIT), 183–198.

Hilmar, Till. 2018. Fremdheit als Vertrauensfrage, in: Tidona, Giovanni (ed): Fremdheit. Xenologische Ansätze und ihre Relevanz für die Bildungsfrage (Heidelberg: Mattes), 93–102.

Hilmar, Till. 2013. Ausgehend vom historischen Ort, wohin? „Diskursive Orte“ der Vermittlungsarbeit zum Nationalsozialismus auf Studienfahrten, in: Linda Erker, Klaus Kienesberger, Erich Vogl, Fritz Hausjell (eds.): Gedächtnis-Verlust? Geschichtsvermittlung und -didaktik in der Mediengesellschaft (Cologne: Herbert von Halem), 54–69.


„The merit principle also brings disappointment“ (Princip zásluhovosti přináší i zklamání), Interview and Book Discussion of Deserved in PageNotFound (in Czech):

„Economic Memories and Sense-making of the Profound Institutional Change“, Contribution to the Economic Sociology & Political Economy Blog, March 09, 2024,

„Freundschaft in Krisenzeiten“ – Junge Forschung DiePresse, January 29, 2024,

🎙️ New Books Network Podcast, hosted by Jill Massino, January 10, 2024: Deserved. Economic Memories after the Fall of the Iron Curtain,

🎙️ „Economic Memories of Transformation“ – RECET Transformative Podcast Aug 02, 2023, hosted by Rosamund Johnston,

„Who deserves what? Making sense of inequalities during times of crisis“, Rudolphina Magazine University of Vienna, March 23,2023,

„Covid-19 sparks new East-West Divide, 30 Years after Reunification“, The Wall Street Journal, Oct 03, 2020,

„Im Zeitalter des Vergleichs – und des Verrats?“, July 2016,

„Fotos gegen das Vergessen“. NZZ, January 27, 2015,

„Politische Bildungsreisen“, in: Wiener Zeitung, March 26/27, 2011


Book review: Agents of Reform: Child Labor and the Origins of the Welfare State by Elisabeth Anderson. Acta Sociologica.

Book review of Daniel Ziblatt, Conservative Parties and the Birth of Democracy, Cambridge University Press 2017, in Falter, January 2018

Book review of Arlie Hochschild, Strangers in their own land. Anger and mourning on the American right, The New Press 2016, in Falter, December 2016

„Diesseits und jenseits des Holocaust. Aus der Geschichte lernen in Gedenkstätten“, Conference report on HSoZKult 03/2012

Review of Bettina Schaefer (ed.): Lass uns über Auschwitz sprechen. Gedenkstätte – Museum – Friedhof. Begegnungen mit dem Weltkulturerbe Auschwitz, Brandes&Apsel, Frankfurt a.M 2009, reviewed in Theologie und Geschichte Vol. 7 (2012)

Review of Christian Gudehus; Ariane Eichenberg; Harald Welzer (eds.): Gedächtnis und Erinnerung. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch,J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart 2010 reviewed in GEDENKDIENST 4/2011
